Module hocort.aligners.biobloom
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import logging
import os
import sys
import hocort.execute as exe
from hocort.parse.parser import ArgParser
from hocort.parse.parser import validate_args
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
class BioBloom():
BioBloom implementation of the Classifier abstract base class.
def build_index(self, path_out, fasta_in, threads=1, options=[], **kwargs):
Builds an index.
path_out : string
Path where the output index is written.
fasta_in : string
Path where the input FASTA file is located.
threads : int
Number of threads to use.
options : list
An options list where additional arguments may be specified.
[cmd] : list
List of commands to be executed.
Raised if no input FASTA file is given, or no output path is given.
If disallowed characters are found in input.
# validate input
valid, arg, chars = validate_args([path_out, fasta_in] + options)
if not valid:
raise ValueError(f'Input with disallowed characters detected: "{arg}" - {chars}')
if not fasta_in:
raise ValueError(f'No input FASTA file was given.')
# should probably check whether output folder exists already here
if not path_out:
raise ValueError(f'No output path was given.')
cmd = ['biobloommaker', '-t', str(threads), '-p', 'reference', fasta_in, '-o', path_out]
return [cmd]
def classify(self, index, seq1, out, seq2=None, threads=1, options=[]):
Matches sequences to a reference database and classifies them.
index : string
Path where the output index is written.
seq1 : string
Path where the first input FastQ file is located.
out : string
Path (path/prefix) where the output FastQ files will be written.
seq2 : string
Path where the second input FastQ file is located.
threads : int
Number of threads to use.
options : list
An options list where additional arguments may be specified.
[cmd] : list
List of commands to be executed.
Raised if no input index path is given, or no input FastQ file is given.
If disallowed characters are found in input.
# validate input
valid, arg, chars = validate_args([index, seq1, out, seq2] + options)
if not valid:
raise ValueError(f'Input with disallowed characters detected: "{arg}" - {chars}')
if not index:
raise ValueError(f'No index path was given.')
if not seq1:
raise ValueError(f'No input FastQ was given.')
cmd = ['biobloomcategorizer', '-t', str(threads), '-f', index, '--fq', '-p', out]
if seq2:
cmd += ['--paired_mode', seq1, seq2]
else: cmd += [seq1]
cmd += options
return [cmd]
def index_interface(self, args):
Main function for the index generation interface. Parses arguments and generates the index.
args : list
This list is parsed by ArgumentParser.
parser = ArgParser(
description=f'{self.__class__.__name__} aligner',
usage=f'hocort index {self.__class__.__name__} [-h] [--threads <int>] -i <fasta> -o <index>'
help='str: path to sequence files (required)'
help='str: path to output index (dir/basename) (required)'
help='int: number of threads (default: max available on machine)'
parsed = parser.parse_args(args=args)
ref = parsed.input
out = parsed.output
threads = parsed.threads
s = os.path.split(out)
out_dir = s[0]
basename = s[1]
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
logger.error(f'Output path does not exist: {out}')
cmd = self.build_index(out, ref, threads=threads)
logger.warning(f'Generating index for: {self.__class__.__name__}')
returncode = exe.execute(cmd, pipe=False, merge_stdout_stderr=True)
return returncode[0]
class BioBloom
BioBloom implementation of the Classifier abstract base class.
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class BioBloom(): """ BioBloom implementation of the Classifier abstract base class. """ def build_index(self, path_out, fasta_in, threads=1, options=[], **kwargs): """ Builds an index. Parameters ---------- path_out : string Path where the output index is written. fasta_in : string Path where the input FASTA file is located. threads : int Number of threads to use. options : list An options list where additional arguments may be specified. Returns ------- [cmd] : list List of commands to be executed. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if no input FASTA file is given, or no output path is given. If disallowed characters are found in input. """ # validate input valid, arg, chars = validate_args([path_out, fasta_in] + options) if not valid: raise ValueError(f'Input with disallowed characters detected: "{arg}" - {chars}') if not fasta_in: raise ValueError(f'No input FASTA file was given.') # should probably check whether output folder exists already here if not path_out: raise ValueError(f'No output path was given.') cmd = ['biobloommaker', '-t', str(threads), '-p', 'reference', fasta_in, '-o', path_out] return [cmd] def classify(self, index, seq1, out, seq2=None, threads=1, options=[]): """ Matches sequences to a reference database and classifies them. Parameters ---------- index : string Path where the output index is written. seq1 : string Path where the first input FastQ file is located. out : string Path (path/prefix) where the output FastQ files will be written. seq2 : string Path where the second input FastQ file is located. threads : int Number of threads to use. options : list An options list where additional arguments may be specified. Returns ------- [cmd] : list List of commands to be executed. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if no input index path is given, or no input FastQ file is given. If disallowed characters are found in input. """ # validate input valid, arg, chars = validate_args([index, seq1, out, seq2] + options) if not valid: raise ValueError(f'Input with disallowed characters detected: "{arg}" - {chars}') if not index: raise ValueError(f'No index path was given.') if not seq1: raise ValueError(f'No input FastQ was given.') cmd = ['biobloomcategorizer', '-t', str(threads), '-f', index, '--fq', '-p', out] if seq2: cmd += ['--paired_mode', seq1, seq2] else: cmd += [seq1] cmd += options return [cmd] def index_interface(self, args): """ Main function for the index generation interface. Parses arguments and generates the index. Parameters ---------- args : list This list is parsed by ArgumentParser. Returns ------- None """ parser = ArgParser( description=f'{self.__class__.__name__} aligner', usage=f'hocort index {self.__class__.__name__} [-h] [--threads <int>] -i <fasta> -o <index>' ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--input', required=True, type=str, metavar=('<fasta>'), help='str: path to sequence files (required)' ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', required=True, type=str, metavar=('<index>'), help='str: path to output index (dir/basename) (required)' ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--threads', required=False, type=int, metavar=('<int>'), default=os.cpu_count(), help='int: number of threads (default: max available on machine)' ) parsed = parser.parse_args(args=args) ref = parsed.input out = parsed.output threads = parsed.threads s = os.path.split(out) out_dir = s[0] basename = s[1] if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): logger.error(f'Output path does not exist: {out}') sys.exit(1) cmd = self.build_index(out, ref, threads=threads) logger.warning(f'Generating index for: {self.__class__.__name__}') returncode = exe.execute(cmd, pipe=False, merge_stdout_stderr=True) return returncode[0]
def build_index(self, path_out, fasta_in, threads=1, options=[], **kwargs)
Builds an index.
- Path where the output index is written.
- Path where the input FASTA file is located.
- Number of threads to use.
- An options list where additional arguments may be specified.
[cmd] : list List of commands to be executed.
- Raised if no input FASTA file is given, or no output path is given. If disallowed characters are found in input.
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def build_index(self, path_out, fasta_in, threads=1, options=[], **kwargs): """ Builds an index. Parameters ---------- path_out : string Path where the output index is written. fasta_in : string Path where the input FASTA file is located. threads : int Number of threads to use. options : list An options list where additional arguments may be specified. Returns ------- [cmd] : list List of commands to be executed. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if no input FASTA file is given, or no output path is given. If disallowed characters are found in input. """ # validate input valid, arg, chars = validate_args([path_out, fasta_in] + options) if not valid: raise ValueError(f'Input with disallowed characters detected: "{arg}" - {chars}') if not fasta_in: raise ValueError(f'No input FASTA file was given.') # should probably check whether output folder exists already here if not path_out: raise ValueError(f'No output path was given.') cmd = ['biobloommaker', '-t', str(threads), '-p', 'reference', fasta_in, '-o', path_out] return [cmd]
def classify(self, index, seq1, out, seq2=None, threads=1, options=[])
Matches sequences to a reference database and classifies them.
- Path where the output index is written.
- Path where the first input FastQ file is located.
- Path (path/prefix) where the output FastQ files will be written.
- Path where the second input FastQ file is located.
- Number of threads to use.
- An options list where additional arguments may be specified.
[cmd] : list List of commands to be executed.
- Raised if no input index path is given, or no input FastQ file is given. If disallowed characters are found in input.
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def classify(self, index, seq1, out, seq2=None, threads=1, options=[]): """ Matches sequences to a reference database and classifies them. Parameters ---------- index : string Path where the output index is written. seq1 : string Path where the first input FastQ file is located. out : string Path (path/prefix) where the output FastQ files will be written. seq2 : string Path where the second input FastQ file is located. threads : int Number of threads to use. options : list An options list where additional arguments may be specified. Returns ------- [cmd] : list List of commands to be executed. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if no input index path is given, or no input FastQ file is given. If disallowed characters are found in input. """ # validate input valid, arg, chars = validate_args([index, seq1, out, seq2] + options) if not valid: raise ValueError(f'Input with disallowed characters detected: "{arg}" - {chars}') if not index: raise ValueError(f'No index path was given.') if not seq1: raise ValueError(f'No input FastQ was given.') cmd = ['biobloomcategorizer', '-t', str(threads), '-f', index, '--fq', '-p', out] if seq2: cmd += ['--paired_mode', seq1, seq2] else: cmd += [seq1] cmd += options return [cmd]
def index_interface(self, args)
Main function for the index generation interface. Parses arguments and generates the index.
- This list is parsed by ArgumentParser.
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def index_interface(self, args): """ Main function for the index generation interface. Parses arguments and generates the index. Parameters ---------- args : list This list is parsed by ArgumentParser. Returns ------- None """ parser = ArgParser( description=f'{self.__class__.__name__} aligner', usage=f'hocort index {self.__class__.__name__} [-h] [--threads <int>] -i <fasta> -o <index>' ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--input', required=True, type=str, metavar=('<fasta>'), help='str: path to sequence files (required)' ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', required=True, type=str, metavar=('<index>'), help='str: path to output index (dir/basename) (required)' ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--threads', required=False, type=int, metavar=('<int>'), default=os.cpu_count(), help='int: number of threads (default: max available on machine)' ) parsed = parser.parse_args(args=args) ref = parsed.input out = parsed.output threads = parsed.threads s = os.path.split(out) out_dir = s[0] basename = s[1] if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): logger.error(f'Output path does not exist: {out}') sys.exit(1) cmd = self.build_index(out, ref, threads=threads) logger.warning(f'Generating index for: {self.__class__.__name__}') returncode = exe.execute(cmd, pipe=False, merge_stdout_stderr=True) return returncode[0]